God’s Unending Promise to Israel in the Face of Rising Anti-Semitism

Rocket attacks by Hamas from the Gaza Strip. Threats by the Iranian government. Mainline Protestant churches in the U.S. calling for boycotting, divestiture, and sanctioning against Israel and its economy. All in the name of promoting peace in the Middle East by forcing Israel to give up land, including East Jerusalem, to the Palestinians. This makes for frightening and discouraging times for Israelis. But as a gentile Christian, I find plenty of hope in Scripture for Israel’s survival, despite all the enemies seeking its demise.

A passage of Scripture I studied that speaks of God’s unending love and protection for Jews is the 83rd Psalm. Written by Asaph, this psalm is both a prayer for God’s intervention against a major threat from multiple enemies, and a recounting of His defense of Israel in the past. A key verse I found in this psalm around which the defense of Israel is pleaded for is v. 4: “Come,” they say, “let us destroy them as a nation, so that Israel’s name is remembered no more.” This reveals what these enemy nations coming against Israel were plotting to do with their overwhelming military might. Israel’s enemies at that time were seeking to eliminate every Israelite from the soil of Palestine, and cause its name, along with the very mention of its God, to be wiped from world memory.

Asaph casts this threat in the light of past enemies’ attempts at their defeat and destruction. He recalls how enemies such as King Jabin of Hazor (Judges 4-5) and the Midianites tried to enslave the Israelites under their control, but were defeated by God and His select troops from different tribes of Israel. In each of these instances, when Israel turned to God for His help, He brought down and destroyed enemy armies much larger and better equipped than their own. Asaph is seeking to remind his fellow Israelites that no enemy army, however large or powerful, was any match for Almighty God. Though all those enemies were determined to “take possession of the pasturelands of God” (v. 12), they were all defeated under the leading and power of God.

Asaph prays in this psalm that God will completely destroy the enemies listed in verses 6-8, the same way He did the Canaanites under King Jabin and the Midianites. He calls upon God to bring shame, disgrace, and humiliation on these enemy nations threatening Israel’s very existence, so they well seek and learn His name Adonai, and recognize Him as the One and only true God Who rules over all creation. Instead of the Name of God ending up forgotten by the world with the elimination of the nation of Israel, His Name will become known all over the earth, says Asaph.

What does this have to say to the nation of Israel and all Jewish people today, concerning their safety and survival? I believe we find five truths that will help our Jewish friends in Israel and everywhere in this psalm:

  1. When enemies threaten to destroy God’s faithful children and His chosen people in particular, instead of relying on human help, crying out to God for salvation and protection is the best thing they can do. In the case of modern Israel, under pressure to either divide their land or disappear as a nation altogether, the need for God’s intervention to ruin the schemes of their enemies is just as real and necessary as it was in the days of Asaph and the judges.
  2. Israel could face in the near future the same threat of complete annihilation at the hands of invading armies. This is why the need to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and Israel is greater than ever. The assurance modern Israelis have of God’s defense of them as a nation and people is that God will not allow them to be destroyed, as He has never allowed them to be in the past. The enemy nations that threatened Israel in Asaph’s day are all gone. Only Israel remains.
  3. Just as Asaph called out to God to defend Israel from enemies that not only wanted to obliterate them from the earth, but their very name from the world’s memory, so Christians need to join with Jews today in praying for the same protection.
  4. Like Asaph in Psalm 83, Jews and Christians alike must trust that God will wipe out any and all enemy armies which seek to destroy Israel completely. In the New Testament, Revelation 16:13-21 correlates with this psalm in describing the Battle of Armageddon, in which the final enemies seeking to destroy Israel will instead face compete destruction.
  5. Even as Asaph prayed that God’s judgement against Israel’s enemies would reveal Him as the One true God, so must Jews and Christians pray for the same. No matter who their enemies may be, either hostile nations or coalitions of apostate churches seeking to tear Israel down through boycotts, divestitures, and sanctions, Israel will survive, Jews will be vindicated, and God’s name will be exalted as Lord over all in the end.

This is the hope and peace of Israel, even as God reveals Himself and His Messiah, Jesus Christ, to them in the days ahead. Shalom.

(Scripture quotations taken from The Holy Bible, New International Version (NIV), copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblia, Inc.) Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

A Final Warning to Those Trying to Change Me

November 16, 2022

What happens when you find yourself the target of an all-out effort to turn you into the total opposite of everything you are? This is what I’ve been going through with members of this “woke cancel culture” and the LGBTQ+ activists among them. God has something to say to this.

Beginning the day as I usually do, reading my devotions, I was asking God as always, to speak to me out of the Scripture, showing me what I needed to see and what He wanted me to do. Reading out of Ezekiel 3 as part of the assigned reading for the day, it became very clear to me that God was calling me to write another warning, a final warning of His impending wrath and judgment, to be poured out on these people absolutely determined to see me divorced from Julie and living as a queer in the gay community. It is because they have determined in their hearts and minds that I can’t be anything but a homo because of their observations of me and my background, and that I am not “being true to myself” by living as the straight man that I am, that God’s fiercest wrath is coming down on them, and swiftly.

Another group of people facing God’s wrath and judgment for all the evils they’ve done to me are the pagan witchcraft practitioners who have cast all kinds of spells on me to effeminize me in every way possible, and give me all the appearance of being a homo. Their curses on my body have affected me in so many ways that it’s a wonder I’m still alive, because I’m sure some were intended to kill me. God has seen and heard every one of these curses and spells, and He has decreed that everyone who has engaged in placing these on me who does not repent of their evil and turn to Jesus instead, will be tormented day and night throughout all eternity for the wickedness they’ve done to me and others. If they want to argue that when they die, they’ll just be gone, and that’s it’s because there is no human soul, then they’re being totally hypocritical. One cannot believe in the spirit world, as they obviously do when they invoke spiritual powers on others through their spells, and not also believe in the existence of an eternal human soul. That part of us will never die, but it is our choice as to where that soul will spend eternity, either in God’s glorious presence, or in eternal torment apart from Him.

Still another group facing God’s wrath and judgment for the evil they’ve done to me are those from the Marxist Deep State who are involved in this effort to see me land in the queer community. This would be the people who provided the illegal surveillance equipment that has been used on me and Julie, for the last almost 14 years. These are the people who have no qualms about breaking any and all laws to achieve the delusional Utopian world they blindly believe could be. They are the ones that have furnished the technical know-how as well as the equipment to those in the apartment below us to monitor everything I say, do, or even write, to see what they can use against me to ultimately land me out in the homo community. They’ve also set up the apparatus to burn or spray whatever biological agents they have aimed up into our apartment at me to foul up my health. They also are the ones who have hacked my computers and phones, doing everything they can to disrupt anything I attempt to do, up to and including even trying to get work. They are determined, above everyone involved, to see me “outed” and living as a queer, to make sure I will never expose the breadth and depth of the crimes they are willing to commit to see me bow to their will. God has shown me He is reserving some of His fiercest acts of wrath against these, so that their evil deeds against Julie and me will become public knowledge, with nothing hidden.

The last group facing God’s wrath and judgment for all this wicked effort to “out” me falsely and wrongfully are the false teachers and preachers who espouse the lies that God sanctions and blesses homosexual behavior and other sexual aberrations. The ministers of mainline liberal Protestant churches who teach and preach that God not only approves of but encourages people to “go gay,” will face the most excruciating eternal tormenting for despising God’s Word, the Bible, treating it with contempt, and contradicting its truths. They will be judged severely for all eternity for twisting Scripture, declaring what God calls evil, good, and what God calls good, evil. They will be tormented night and day eternally for leading so many others astray with their teaching.

So, when will this doom and judgment fall on all these I’ve mentioned? Obviously, I don’t know. Nor do I know exactly how He will bring it about. I only know that He has shown me at different times from different Bible passages that some of these people will die violent, unnatural deaths from freak accidents or other mishaps, while others may end up being the targets of other people with murderous agendas, or even a political coup. I’ve wrestled hard with my own bitter hatred and rage toward these people who have done all these things to tear Julie and me apart. But the Lord has shown me repeatedly that I don’t need to pray for anyone’s death, nor should I. That’s entirely up to Him as God.

What He has shown me I have to pray for is that the lies of Satan concerning human sexuality be exposed, especially to those caught up in homosexual living. Apparently, He has done this for some and brought them to a saving knowledge of Jesus instead. I pray this will prove true for many more, but know not all will. It grieves me personally to think of some dying over trying to turn me into a queer, but God has shown me that is the penalty they are bringing on themselves for their stubborn persistence in trying to make me come join them. Those who aren’t struck down by God for their evil-doing will be left deeply ashamed and disgraced for what they’ve done. I pray this brings them to Christ.

Hydrogen Fueled EVs: The Best Solution to the Fossil Fuel-Exhaust Emission Problem

Amidst the growing calls for more Americans to buy or lease electric vehicles, whether they can afford them or not, there is something being left out of the discussion by government, media, and the general public. That is the matter of what fuels the batteries powering the electric motors in these vehicles which then requires the vehicles to be plugged into electrical outlets and recharged. The substances found in the batteries of these EV’s are either lithium, or cobalt. While these materials may be fairly efficient in providing power from the batteries to the motors, that doesn’t mean that they’re cheap either to obtain or don’t present other problems in their long-term usage.

My understanding is that lithium and cobalt are both difficult to find and expensive to mine. Added to this, these minerals contribute their own forms of environmental damage once the batteries in such vehicles wear out and have to be discarded. Both lithium and cobalt can contaminate ground water and soil, adding to the problems we’re already battling in our environment with our discarded waste. On top of this, we have the problem of added strain on our electrical grids with all the charging of the batteries in these vehicles from day to day. Further, the supply of lithium and cobalt are not nearly as plentiful as are fossil fuels, and the push to market and sell EV’s with batteries powered by these minerals will only lead to another fuel crisis as their supplies dwindle.

So what is the real answer to the problem of ending exhaust emissions from motor vehicles by replacing fossil fuels with something sustainable? Unless you’re a Marxist who believes the solution is the elimination of personal motor vehicles (along with about 90% of the world’s human population), the answer lies in hydrogen. Derived from water, it is the most plentiful gas in the material world and universe. When hydrogen atoms are fused together to produce energy, the only byproduct is water. This is the irony in the whole discussion of “green energy” by environmentalists that’s either being overlooked, or purposely ignored. While there are difficulties in the harnessing of hydrogen energy safely, the long-term rewards and benefits to the world are staggering when it comes to meeting energy needs with clean energy.

Without a doubt, hydrogen is a highly explosive gas that releases tremendous energy when it is suddenly released, as we learned from the Hindenburg tragedy, and from experiments with hydrogen warheads. Finding ways to safely use hydrogen as an energy is a challenge, and is costly. Electrolysis, the process of removing hydrogen from water, is complicated and expensive. But at some point, we have to ask, What is cheap about exploring more places to drill for oil, or finding more places with lithium or cobalt to mine? There is considerable expense in all of that, and it still doesn’t provide a good long-term solution to the energy problem.

The building of hydrogen-fusion electric plants, and the carrying of hydrogen fuel cells in cars necessitates the construction of stronger, tougher materials in the buildings and tanks housing both. The explosive nature of hydrogen requires the strongest materials possible to guard against rupture from accidents. This is why, I have read that auto companies are reluctant to experiment with hydrogen fuel cells in their vehicles, because of the expensive tanks that have to be installed in the vehicles to house the fuel cells. Most auto companies have stayed away from hydrogen fuel cells to power electric motors, except for two: Toyota and Hyundai.

Each of these companies has produced an electric car that operates on hydrogen fuel cells. For Toyota, it’s a mid-sized, rear-wheel drive sedan called the Mirai, which is not priced that much higher than most other standard vehicles. Hyundai’s entry into the hydrogen fuel cell EV class is a small SUV called the Nexo. Unfortunately, neither of these vehicles is available for sale anywhere except in southern California, where there is a limited number of hydrogen fuel cell refilling stations. It only takes about five minutes to refill these cells, as opposed to twenty minutes to recharge a lithium or cobalt-powered EV at one of Elon Musk’s fast-charging stations.

As for the cost of these vehicles, there is research being conducted at the University of Buffalo and other places to find strong, but cheaper materials to make fuel cell tanks that won’t easily rupture and cause explosions. Such research needs to be encouraged by the government and more of the auto industry, to where more such EV’s will be produced not only by Toyota and Hyundai, but by the other automakers as well. One of the more positive developments into hydrogen-powered vehicles is the study now underway to convert diesel-powered trucks to hydrogen fuel cell power. Any company engaging in the research and development of vehicles operating on this energy source deserve a lot of credit and praise for sticking their corporate necks out and experimenting with hydrogen fuel cell-powered vehicles. The other issue involved in this obviously is the availability of hydrogen fuel cell refilling stations. The good news here is that the infrastructure is already there if the oil companies would be willing to pick up the ball and run with it, installing hydrogen pumps at their gas stations across the country. As for my own car-buying decisions, until these things are in place, I won’t be buying an EV.

Woke: A Culture of Lies, Destruction, & Murder, as Predicted in the Bible

June 8, 2022: My sister passed along a photo on social media of a chicken farm burning to the ground, the 19th such farm to be torched so far this year by arson. This farm was a major supplier of eggs, selling some 3 million a day. In Pennsylvania and Iowa, millions of chickens and turkeys have had to be slaughtered this year because of bird flu. I was listening to a succession of farmers and ranchers call into the Sean Hannity radio program speaking of how they were facing potential bankruptcy with the soaring fuel prices. Those who raise livestock are especially hard hit, not only the poultry farmers but the cattlemen as well, who have the added problem of getting their cattle to market with a truck driver shortage and only four packing companies in the country to process beef.

When we look at what has happened in the U.S. since the Biden administration took over the White House, we can see not only an unraveling of the nation’s economy, but a general spirit of total lawlessness taking over the country, fostered and nurtured by the election of leftist district attorneys, governors, and members of Congress as well as the appointment of leftist judges to federal and state court benches. All of this together has given this nation a clear picture as to what the idea of “woke” is all about. I could go on about how our educational system has been taken over by neo-Marxists pushing the LGBTQ+ rights issue upon the youngest school children, and how our military as well as our law enforcement agencies have been gutted over Covid-19 vaccinations and “de-fund the police” efforts. All these are results of a political movement that has its origins in unseen spiritual forces.

The very fact that 19 poultry farms have been targeted by arsonists is a demonstration of the woke culture at work to push what is really a Marxist agenda on the country. That Marxism has its foundations in demonic influences has become very apparent, because who else but Marxist-backed radical animal rights activists would destroy the livelihoods of agricultural workers, not to mention a good part of our nation’s food supply, to send the clear message to all the rest of us that we’re supposed to become vegans? Never mind that they killed so many birds in the name of “animal rights.” They just want us all to quit consuming dairy products, eggs, and meat, aa part of their development of a “utopian world,”, as they envision it.

This goes along with what LGBTQ+ radicals are saying, that we’re all supposed to be “evolving” into homosexuals, with young children being taught if they want to go transgender, that’s fine and is their right, and that being gay is preferable to being straight. What this translates into is that heterosexual behavior (and marriage) should ultimately be done away with, and the traditional family of father, mother, and children, become a thing of the past. This is very much in keeping with what Karl Marx envisioned for the world in a “utopian” state. This is what the “Woke” culture is all about-making the final push to see the U.S., and then the whole world as a godless society where everyone’s a queer, lives on vegetation exclusively, and no longer works at jobs. They’re all just supposed to live in perfect harmony with each other. This is exactly what Satan wants to see the Woke culture promote, because he knows it would end up in the complete annihilation of the human race.

How do I know Satan was the originator of Marxist ideology? Because that clearly shows up in the various things Marx advocated, things which we see foretold in Scripture. The Woke culture has drawn followers from various churches and religious backgrounds with this call for the realization of a perfect, ideal, conflict-free world where all injustices are redressed, and equity is assured for all people. What so many don’t realize is they have been duped into believing such a delusion, that humans would even be capable of forming a world at perfect peace and harmony apart from its Creator. But this is the influence of Satan and the demonic spirits who partner with him. The Apostle Paul brings this into focus in 1 Timothy 4:1-3, in which he writes:

“Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons through the insincerity of liars whose consciences are seared, who forbid marriage and require abstinence from foods that God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth.”

This describes exactly what we’re seeing in this neo-Marxist Woke movement. The Apostle Paul was given a revelation of the evil that would be unleashed on the earth in the closing days of time, with an assault on human sexuality as God designed and intended it to be, and restrictions on what they ate, could buy, or even say or think. People who have totally sold out to this demonic political ideology, even in the name of trying to be “good Christians,” fail to recognize how badly their minds have been twisted by demonic powers. This is what Paul is referring to in verse 1 of this passage of those who would forsake the teachings of Jesus and the Christian faith to follow after “deceitful spirits and teachings of demons.” The rise of New Age spiritism and neo-paganism over the last four decades in this country has led many people, including those in Christian churches, to the worship of the “Mother Earth” goddess Gaia, and the practice of sorcery and witchcraft. All of this leaves these people wide open to the controlling power of Satan and his demon cohorts. Any of us who have been in the pastorate in churches for any period of time can attest that when people dabble in the occult, they open themselves to demonic possession, which can then lead to criminal behavior, up to and including murder. Add the Satan-concocted philosophy of Marxism with its ultimate call of mass genocide against everyone on earth who will not embrace the demonic delusion of utopia, and you end up where we are as a nation today.

It is Satan’s goal and program to divided and destroy, be it a marriage, a family, or a nation. In Hebrew his name is Abaddon, and in Greek, Apollyon. Both names mean Destroyer. What makes this name so appropriate is that it is entirely within his nature and character to be a liar, a thief, and a murderer. Naturally, he would whisper into the mind and heart of a young Karl Marx a hatred for everything that God made good, turning him against the Judeo/Christian tradition after his father insisted their family convert from Judaism to the Lutheran Church, all for the sake of financial advantage. Whether or not Karl Marx himself became demon-possessed, we do not know. But one thing is certain: the philosophy he developed is demonical in what it proposes, especially when it comes to the principle of the ends (a Godless utopian world) justifies whatever means is necessary to reach it, including the mass slaughter of any and all people who stand in its way.

So what do we do about this Marxist Woke movement? Insurrection against the current administration is NOT the answer. Praying for God to move on the hearts and minds of those caught up in this whole Woke movement, and in particular, that they be delivered from the demonic influences driving them to engage in all the evil activities they do, is. As Paul wrote in Ephesians 6:12, “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over the present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.” We need to pray for God to pour out His Holy Spirit on the nation and Marxists especially, so they will see clearly whose lies they believe, and turn to God and His truth.

Scripture quotations are from (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version), copyright, 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Arise and Save: A Psalm 3 Meditation

His own son had seized power by stealth, stealing the hearts of the Israelite people by advertising himself as a judge of the people. Kind David had not been the best father when it came to correcting his sons’ bad behavior. Now his son Absalom had taken control of Jerusalem and was ruling over Israel, while David had fled to the east. (2 Samuel 14-17). He wrote this psalm during the crisis, and in it, he affirms his faith and trust in God to save him from his son’s treachery. David begins the psalm by acknowledging that Absalom had built up a strong following of enemies looking to kill him, believing that God was on their side. David contrasts this with the reality that God is his shield and protector, the One who enables him to keep his head up and maintain his kingship.

David writes of how he prayed to the Lord and received an assuring answer. Despite his life being under threat, he tells of being able to lie down and sleep at night, without fear of how big the army was that was backing Absalom. His petition in the last stanza of Psalm 3 (verses7-8), calls upon God to save him from this effort to kill him, recognizing that God deals with his enemies in a very powerful and forceful way. The reason is that salvation is God’s possession and provision, and grants it to those who earnestly seek Him.

This psalm can serve as a morning prayer for anyone who becomes a target of attack, harassment, character assassination, or outright oppression, with others seeking to destroy their lives. You don’t have to be somebody as important as a king to experience threats against your life, family, or well-being. I’ve been battling with people for over fifteen years who’ve been totally committed to turning me into the opposite of everything I am as a man, a husband to a loving woman, and a Christian. I’ve been the target of a very aggressive campaign by the militant LGBTQ rights movement and their Marxist supporters to brainwash me through psychiatry into joining them in the queer lifestyle, carrying the rainbow banner, and waving the flag for the Marxist Utopian Deep State, as it’s known by many. I’ve learned that militant gay rights activists who want more queer sex partners won’t take “No” for an answer unless something happens to them that makes them back down. That’s left me in a perpetual combat mode against these people and the very powerful and wealthy pro-Marxist organization backing them. They’ve utilized the apartment building Julie and I have been living in with its wooden floors to do illegal surveillance on us, interfering with my computers, monitoring my phone, and blocking me from the means of earning a living. They’ve subjected us to physical assault with various toxic substances blown up through our ventilation ducts and our floors to cause me respiratory problems.

Through all of this, I’ve had to learn how to trust God with the battle and the people involved and pray for God’s saving work among them, and His deliverance of me from their evil plot. I’ve had to learn to lie down at night and rest in the arms of Jesus, trusting Him to protect me from anything these people might do to me, and from Satan and his demon cohorts trying to take possession of me. I can join with David in saying, “Salvation belongs to the Lord.”

Ministering to Those Who Need Christ Most

I’ve wrestled with this issue because of the struggle I’ve had to find natural compassion for the spiritually lost. I’m deeply troubled over the fact that I find it much easier to judge and condemn people than show Christ’s love to them. I struggle with the problem of pointing people to Christ without giving the appearance of approving of their sin. I’m trying to learn Christ’s way of touching the lives of people the way He did, showing them unconditional love while at the same time making it clear that their sin displeases God. The only difference here is that I am not Jesus, and I most certainly am not sinless. This is why it’s so important for me to keep in mind the words of Scripture that the truth will set us free (John 8:32). Christ came to set people free from the control of sin, not just its penalty.

I think of the words of Jesus to the woman caught in adultery: “Neither do I condemn you. Go and sin no more.”(John 8:11) Jesus was never about excusing away sin any more than He was about simply damning people to hell. He always sought to give people the opportunity to repent of sin and turn to Him to become all that He wanted them to be. The same is true today even in a culture that increasingly doesn’t even want to hear about or be confronted for sin. The need to help people understand what is displeasing to God has never been greater. Yet to find a way to explain that in love is also proving to be a greater challenge than ever.

When it comes to this matter of speaking to LGBTQ rights activists, I’ve had other believers including family members tell me repeatedly that instead of getting angry and showing bitterness and rage toward them, we need to be ready to share the truth with those who are caught up in these lifestyle problems, doing so in a loving, compassionate way. I certainly agree with this in principle. In practical reality however, it isn’t holding up. Too many of the gay men I’ve run into are so thoroughly steeped in the lifestyle, that they are only interested in finding more queer sex partners, not listening to someone share the Gospel with them.

That doesn’t mean there are no spiritually hungry people among practicing homosexual, bisexual, and transgender people, I’m aware there are some among the LGBTQ movement who are questioning it, wrestling with doubts about the rightness of it, and some who are choosing to leave the lifestyle and movement behind. This of course, enrages leaders in the movement, especially those who also happen to be Marxists, and who are using the issues of sexual orientation and gender identity as marquee causes to support and ultimately help push the utopian delusion of Karl Marx. Individuals who have left the gay lifestyle or who have switched back to their birth gender have found themselves the targets of angry threats and expressions of outright hate for defecting from the movement. These LGBTQ activists become guilty of the very thing they call those who disagree with them as “homophobes.”

Even as the Equality Act has been debated in Congress, and questions about sex education curriculum introduced into our schools backed by LGBTQ rights activists are raised by parents, I come back to a foundational question: Does anybody know or care what God thinks of this LGBTQ rights movement and what they’re promoting? I know this involves a sharp debate between Darwinist secular humanists, and proponents of the Judeo-Christian worldview. But when we lay the debate aside, and look at the two competing points, another question arises: Which takes more faith to believe, that we humans and every other living creature on the earth evolved by random chance out of the primordial slime, or were formed out of the dust of the ground by an all-wise, intelligent Designer, a creator-God?

This question lies at the heart of the whole debate over human sexuality. Are we evolving toward all becoming queer, with human reproduction only accomplished by artificial insemination, or are we designed by the Creator to be heterosexual only with all the other variations in sexual behavior developing after humanity turned its back on that Creator? If we follow the first view, than any form of human behavior is justifiable, sexual or otherwise. If we follow the second, then we must conclude that there are standards of conduct established by that all-wise Creator-God that come to us in the form of absolute truth. When I look around at this world and all the different complex life forms that exist upon it, especially humans with the way we’re made, I find it vastly more difficult to believe that we and everything else around us just evolved by chance, than I do that an intelligent, all-wise and all-powerful Creator formed and fashioned us.

So how do I and others who follow Christ as Lord and Savior speak to those who are a part of this Marxist-based, LGBTQ rights movement? I think we have to start with pointing out the differences in the two worldviews that reflect the thinking of the two camps. We have to start by explaining what, from what we know about their lives from history, that Charles Darwin, and Karl Marx grew up under in their religious backgrounds. Both came to hate religion, especially Christianity. Darwin turned against the Christian faith when God did not answer a prayer request of his affirmatively. Marx began to hate all religion, and Christianity in particular, when his Jewish father decided to convert from Judaism to the Lutheran Church for the sake of greater economic prosperity by gaining favor with other Germans. The end result was that Karl grew up rejecting all organized religion as “the opiate of the masses,” and developed his atheist political ideology on the basis of that hatred for religion, particularly the Christian faith, which he saw as the source of all “systemic evils” as he called them, especially capitalism.

Darwin developed his theory of evolution out of his contempt for God and the Christian faith, by postulating that all of the world and universe, including humanity, evolved by random chance. In recent decades, the greater scientific community has declared Darwin’s theory to be proven fact, with anyone disagreeing instantly attacked and labelled as “anti-science, and anti-intellectual.” The problem is, scientists who vehemently assert that a concept which is still based on assumptions and not absolute proven fact, cease to be scientists and become politicians. When those assumptions are rooted in hatred and bitterness toward God and faith, as they were with Darwin, then the would ends up with an anti-democratic system of thought disguised as science that proves not only insulting to people of faith, but de-humanizing and destructive to the world in general.

When I speak of evolutionary theory, I am not referring to the concept of microevolution, the process in which species adapt and mutate to accommodate or adjust to changes in their environment. We see plenty of evidence for this in nature. But the problem lies with the concept of macroevolution in which species form and evolve from lower forms of life. This theory was really Darwin’s way of rejecting the existence of a Creator-God along with the supernatural. But just because one chooses to reject the existence of God or a spirit world doesn’t mean they cease to be. Again, I see far more evidence for the existence of the supernatural than I do for only a material world and universe.

Karl Marx was delighted to grab hold of Darwin’s theory and apply it to his atheistic political philosophy, based upon his concept of dialectic materialism. In his assault on both capitalism and religion (mainly Christianity) Marx sought to form a whole new worldview that not only rejected the existence of God and the supernatural, but to push the world rapidly and violently toward the evolution of a one-world, anarchistic society with no economy, no laws, no government, no religion, and no morality. It would be a world in which all the remaining people on earth not eliminated by the mass genocide he advocated to achieve this society he called Utopia, would learn to live in perfect harmony with each other, with no conflicts, no competition between people, and no one claiming ownership over anything. In light of how we humans have behaved toward each other over the centuries, this utopian concept is childish at best, and demonic at worst. A perfectly harmonious, Godless society is not even a remote possibility in light of what we know of human nature, especially if it is bought at the price of massive bloodshed, which is what Marx called for.

This brings me back to the issue of the LGBTQ rights movement and its efforts to se everyone in this country and ultimately the world, embracing the idea of all people “evolving” into queers, to create the utopian society they wish to see develop. The first and obvious problem with this is the matter of reproduction. There is no guarantee that artificial insemination is always going to work, and if so many people, especially men, have been eliminated through a worldwide Marxist revolution, the possibility is very real and great the human race itself could die out and become extinct. Furthermore, the massive and bloody revolution Marx called for would most likely result in the total annihilation of humanity.

This brings me back to the Judeo-Christian view and its focus on an Almighty, Sovereign, holy Creator-God. While I can’t prove His existence to anyone, I can say that if you decide to seek Him out yourself because you really want to know He’s for real, you will find Him. He will make Himself known to you, and provide the way for you to come to Him through His Son, Jesus Christ. He knows you inside out, and there’s nothing you can hide from Him. As for His nature and character, God is changeless and so is His written Word, the Bible. As our Creator, He determined how we were to function sexually with one man married to one woman, in order to both reproduce and provide a stable home environment. It is we humans, after our first father and mother sinned, who started heading down all kinds of dark paths in our quests for sexual pleasure.

Contrary to what some theologians assert today, neither God, nor our understanding of Him are evolving with the changes in culture. Here again, the destructive nature of social Darwinism and Marxism has worked into the thinking of much of today’s church, affecting so many who have listened to such teaching that instead of God making us in His own image, we try to re-create God into our image. This in turn, leads to all kinds of heresies, including the idea that we can live sexually any way we see fit, and God will just smile upon it. No, what God established for men and women at creation has not changed. It still is: one man with one woman, until death parts them.

The Bible tells us that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8). Whether one believes in Him or not, He is returning to this earth one day. When He does, time will have run out to make things right with Him, if one doesn’t pass away in death first. One of the myths of Marxism is that there is no soul, and when humans die, they simply cease to exist. But there are too many people whose hearts stopped, were temporarily dead, and who found out otherwise, to dismiss the idea of a soul. Our souls live on for eternity, even though are bodies don’t. The question is, Where will your soul spend eternity? It will either be spent in the glorious eternal presence of God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, or it will be spent in eternal darkness and torment. The choice is ours to make, even as the Holy Spirit, convicts us of our sin. If God’s Spirit is speaking to you about your sin, will you respond to Him? Just pray this prayer:

Lord Jesus, I confess that I am a sinner and need Your forgiveness. I want to turn away from my sins and live for You. Please forgive me, cleanse me of my sins, and fill me with Your Spirit that I may have the power to live for You. In Your Name, Amen.

Abraham: A Model for Intercession (based on Genesis 18:16-33)

When we think of intercessory prayer, we usually think of praying for loved ones in need, or for friends who may need a fresh touch from Christ, or who may even need to come to salvation through Him. We don’t usually think of praying for God to not overthrow a city or country. But this is what Abraham found himself doing when he was met by a human manifestation of God, (who many scholars believe was actually Jesus in a pre-incarnate appearance.) They came to his place where his tents were pitched, to speak to him and Sarah his wife about the son they would be holding in a year, a son born to them miraculously in their old age.

Then, in verse 16, the men rise up and look down toward the plain to the east, where the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were. Abraham recognized that God had decreed disaster upon those cities, and he was naturally concerned about his nephew Lot, who had settled in Sodom with his family. In verses 17-18, we read that the Lord speaks to the two angels with Him in Abraham’s presence, “Shall I hide from Abraham what I am about to do…?” Abraham developed a strong, close bond with God over the years, and trusted Him deeply. But Abraham’s trust in God was about to be tested, even as the Lord says in verse 20, “The outcry of Sodom and Gomorrah is indeed great, and their sin is exceedingly grave. (Verse 21) I will go down now, and see if they have done entirely according to its outcry, which has come to me: and if not, I will know.” Abraham listens to this, and understands the doom and destruction that is impending for Sodom and Gomorrah. He things of Lot, but he thinks of more than him.

Abraham proceeds to approach the three visitors and address the One he recognizes as divine. He asks the difficult question in verse 23, “Will You indeed sweep away the righteous with the wicked?” This is a question placed by Abraham not out of disrespect or presumption, but out of his deep faith and love for God, and the close friendship he formed with God. Abraham continues in verse 24, “Suppose there are fifty righteous in the city; will You indeed sweep it away and not spare the place for the sake of the righteous in it? Verse 25) Far be it from You to do such a thing, to slay the righteous with the wicked, so that the righteous and the wicked are treated alike. Far be if from You! Shall not the Judge of the earth deal justly?” This twenty-fifth verse is really key to this passage, because in it Abraham lays out his case for God’s mercy and compassion to be shown to some extremely evil people in several cities. Abraham appeals to God’s justice and goodness in not annihilating His own creations in the persons of his fellow human beings just because of their sin. In essence, Abraham is saying, “God, You’re too good for that! You’re too fair and just to wipe out the righteous with the wicked.” He then proceeds to reduce the number of potentially righteous people in Sodom from destruction. Abraham, throughout his appeal, acknowledges he is addressing the Almighty God of the universe, but still pours out his heart to Him as one friend to another.

A key question comes in here concerning the matter of intercession: Is it right to ask God to go against His holy nature and character by not punishing people for sin when a situation calls for it? That’s really not what Abraham is doing here. While he is certainly appealing for the sparing of Sodom from destruction for the sake of his nephew Lot and his family, he is also appealing for the deliverance of any and all people in Sodom. Abraham does this because he can’t imagine God being cruel and heartless in killing off righteous people who follow Him in faith with those who are evil. Abraham is not telling God, “Lay aside Your holy character and not punish those who refuse to stop doing evil.” He is saying, “Just don’t destroy Your faithful ones along with those who are wicked.”

This gives us some important lessons when it comes to intercession. We’re living in a day when we have people from the LGBTQ rights movement who want to push homosexuality and other immoral practices to the extent that even perceived negative thinking toward them would be labeled a “hate crime.” This appears to be the low to which Sodom and Gomorrah sank in the days of Abraham and Lot, as we read in Genesis 19. But for Abraham, interceding for the lives of very evil people as well as his nephew, serves as a reminder to us Bible-believing Christians here in America today that we need to pray first for the salvation of people involved in this whole LGBTQ rights movement and their political backers. We need to pray that God will reveal His truth and love to them, turning their hearts and minds away from this satanic delusion concerning human sexuality.

This does not mean that we should take the prerogative of calling God unfair, unloving, and unjust, should He choose to bring His wrath and judgement against this movement. God’s holy nature and character will never allow Him to wink at sin. But even if God brings destruction on this movement and its supporters, we must still recognize that God is always good and does what is right. So, the point of all this is: remembering our own need for God’s grace and mercy to save us from sin and eternal destruction should drive us to pray for the salvation of even the most evil people we may know or know about. It is not for us to determine where other people should end up for eternity, but only up to God in His holy wisdom. When God brings disaster and destruction on evil people, we must remember it is because they were unrepentant in their attitude, determined to do nothing but evil, and God reached a point where He would tolerate their wickedness no longer. But if they do repent, then we need to be joyful and thankful about it, giving God praise and glory for their salvation, and embrace them as new brothers and sisters in Christ, even if they hurt us. Which way will it be for you?